Community Wellness Program Resources

The Community Wellness Program promotes health and wellness with community-based strategies that focus on Healthy Eating and Active Living. We hope as our partner you find these resources helpful and informational.

Ohodugwa’ nüümü – Healthy People Newsletter

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The Community Wellness Program publishes monthly newsletters for all of our community partners. Below is a list of archived newsletters, filled with health information, articles and videos. If you are interested in signing up for our newsletter, subscribe by clicking on the button below. We hope you will join us!

Community Wellness Program is on Facebook

Reports and Press Releases

Interested in learning more? We write and produce many reports and press releases detailing the success of our projects. We hope you find the following interesting, and welcome any questions or ideas for partnering you might have! Click on each link below to read the document.

Evaluation of Projects

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We assess the effectiveness of our projects and initiatives, in order to understand how a given intervention will improve the health and quality of life of community members. We will post updates, reports, and findings here to share with our community. This information helps guide our future programming and direction of our work.

Farmers Markets

Our Community Wellness Program collaborated with partners to improve the affordability of healthy foods, employ point of purchase signage, increase community members’ awareness of healthy food outlets and healthy food preparation, offer technical assistance to food retail outlets operating in food deserts, and implement communication approaches to increase awareness of location of healthy food options. Short-term intended outcomes of these farmers market interventions include reduced costs for, and increased knowledge and availability of, healthy foods.

Walking and Biking Paths

Our Community Wellness Program conducted community interviews to better understand the current health status, health behaviors, and needs of the people we serve in 2016 and 2017. We are currently compiling the information we received, and will post reports and summaries here in fall of 2017.

Community Evaluation

Our Community Wellness Program conducted community interviews to better understand the current health status, health behaviors, and needs of the people we serve in 2016 and 2017. We are currently compiling the information we received, and will post reports and summaries here in fall of 2017.